Focus Group: Our First Draft - Music Video

Having this focus group give feedback was extremely helpful as as several fresh pairs of eyes were able to spot certain things that Yoli and I hadn't noticed, such as a clip where it seems Arthur moves to look up Robyn's skirt. It made us realise that there were certain shots that didn't work, along with ones that worked incredibly well (such as the running transition and breaking through the blocks). 

Improvements we intend to work on in consequence to this focus group: 
  • Reinforcing something Yoli and I noticed, continuity with the ocean green screen must be fixed
  • The lip syncing should be adjusted
  • The statue in London scene appears long (Yoli and I intend to put other footage over this)
  • Shaky camera when Arthur falls by the river (stabilise shot)
  • Cut video where Arthur looks like he peeks up Robyn's skirt
  • Our audience also criticised the line that appears in the green screen towards the end of the video, urging Yoli and I further to fix this.
